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Molar Flask

Object NameSmall Bottle
Made FromGlass
Techniqueblown (probably mold-blown), perhaps ground, facet-cut, linear-cut
SizeOverall H: 7.4 cm; Body W: 1.8 cm
Accession Number53.1.56
Curatorial Area(s)
Place Made
possibly Egypt; possibly Iran
Physical DescriptionTransparent green. Blown (probably mold-blown); perhaps ground; facet- and linear-cut. Bottle. Rim plain, with flat top; neck wider at top than at bottom; body tall, with sloping shoulder, vertical walls, cross section that is squarish with rounded angles, and cavity that is conical with rounded end; at bottom of wall, four pointed feet, one at each corner. Decorated on neck and body. On neck: upper two-thirds consists of eight contiguous vertical facets; below these are two horizontal ribs. Body is divided into two parts by continuous horizontal groove below midpoint and has similar decoration on all four sides. On upper body: each side has inverted V-shaped cuts separated by vertical row of five horizontal cuts at corners. On lower body: each side has narrow V-shaped cut separated by triangular facets at corners, each of which has notched protrusion at top.
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