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snuff bottle
snuff bottle

snuff bottle

Object NameSnuff Bottle and Stopper
Made FromGlass, Stone, Ivory, Cork
Place MadeChina
TechniqueMold-blown, cased, carved
SizeOverall H: 5.6 cm, W: 3.1 cm
Accession Number82.6.95
Credit LineBequest of Marian Swayze Mayer
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Interpretive Notes
Physical DescriptionSnuff Bottle and Stopper. Transparent bright blue, opaque white, and pink glass, amethyst stone, ivory, cork; mold-blown, cased, carved. (a) Flattened, ovoid form, of brilliant blue glass, one side flattened and covered with red overlay on opaque white, the pink carved to leave Chinese characters “自古聖賢不能無號 Zi Gu Shen Xian Bu Neng Wu Hao” standing in relief (translation: "Since early times one cannot be a sage or a scholar without adopting a pseudonym"); short, straight neck with polished, flat rim; the interior surface ground. (b) Domed amethyst (?) cap, with one flat side; cork stopper; slender ivory spoon with pointed oval spatulate bowl.
Source Marian Swayze Mayer (d. 1982) - 1981-12-22