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Sun Chariot
Sun Chariot

Sun Chariot

Object NameSculpture
Artist Laura de Santillana (Italian, 1955-2019)
Made FromGlass
Place MadeItaly, Venice, Murano
TechniqueBlown incalmo, fumed, hot-worked
SizeOverall H: 41.2 cm, W: 47.7 cm, D: 5.6 cm
Accession Number2002.3.3
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Interpretive Notes
De Santillana is an internationally recognized artist and designer whose work is innovative, classic, and experimental. Subtle and complex in color and minimalist in format, her objects inhabit an indefinable space between painting and sculpture. A deep connection to the natural world and to the realm of the senses informs her artistic activity. Sun Chariot is a flattened architectonic sculpture influenced by the expressive canvases of the American color-field painter Mark Rothko. It investigates the intricacies of color, form, and mass.
Physical DescriptionSculpture, "Sun Chariot". Multicolored (violet, amber, yellow, yellow-green) glass; blown incalmo, fumed, hot-worked. The walls of the vessel are "compressed" with cork paddles during the blowing process. The mouth of the vessel is pressed together, sealing the body but leaving pockets of open space inside.
Former Collection Elliott Brown Gallery - 2002-04-17
Object copyright© Laura de Santillana

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