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Object NamePitcher
Manufacturer Gillinder and Sons
Made FromGlass
Place MadeUnited States, PA, Philadelphia
TechniqueBlown, applied, cut, engraved
SizeOverall H: 31.3 cm, W: 16.6 cm, D: 10.7 cm
Accession Number2008.4.92
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionPitcher. Colorless glass; blown, applied, cut, engraved. Ovoid pitcher has wide foot, narrow collar-style stem, high rounded shoulder and slightly flared rim with spout. An applied handle attaches at rim and side of body just below shoulder. The piece has been cut with radiating lines on foot, facets near stem, repeating ovals around neck and arches and large diamonds, with four panels engraved with storks, tress and flowers. There is a floral pattern around top and engraved E.A. on the front below spout.
Source Ian Simmonds - 2008-09-02