Object NameLong Elliptical Shaped Chevron Bead
Art Seymour
Made FromGlass
Place MadeUnited States
Size(A) L: 4.2 cm, D: 2.3 cm; (B) L: 3.8 cm, D: 2.5 cm; (C) L: 3.7 cm, D: 1.9 cm; SEE INDEX CARD FOR COMPLETE INFO
Accession Number93.4.73 H
Credit LineGift of Art Seymour, Beadsmith
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionAssorted glass; molded, cased, drawn, ground, polished. Fifteen chevron beads, assorted colors and shapes. (A) Large barrel-shape, transparent turquoise and opaque white; (B) large barrel-shape, opaque black, white, transparent blue and brick red; (C) long barrel-shape, opaque turquoise, white, coral; (D) long elliptical shape, opaque black, white, transparent yellow; (E) long barrel-shape; opaque to transparent grey-green; (F) long elliptical shape, transparent deep green, opaque white; (G) long elliptical shape, opaque turquoise, white, and transparent greenish to olive-grey; (H) long elliptical shape; translucent cobald blue and opaque white; (I) long elliptical shape; opaque black, white, and translucent blood red; (J) long elliptical shape; opaque deep brown to black, brown, and white; (K) long barrel-shape; transparent green and opaque white; (L) long elliptical shape; transparent red and turquoise, opaque white; (M) long barrel-shape; transparent deep blue-green, opaque white, transparent brick red and aventurine; (N) circular tabular shape; opaque turquoise, yellow orange streaked, opaque white; (O) circular, tabular shape; transparent deep green, red and opaque white.Provenance
Art Seymour