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scientific instrument
scientific instrument

scientific instrument

Object NameDistillation Apparatus
Made FromGlass, Cork
TechniqueFlameworked, assembled
SizeOverall H: 27.1 cm, W: 18.1 cm
Accession Number2016.8.155
Credit LineGift of The Science Museum, London
Not On View
Physical DescriptionDistillation Apparatus. Colorless glass, cork; flameworked, assembled. Distillation apparatus consisting of central tube which bends and opens into sphere, which opens into vertical tube with thinner capillary tube extending from wall. U-shaped capillary tube creates second connection between central tube and sphere. Conical corks fixed around central tube and thinner capillary tube.
Source Science Museum - 2016-10-12
deaccessioned from the London Science Museum (LSM) collections or released from their holdings of exhibition or education collections
Former Collection Silberrad Research Laboratories - 1981