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Helix pomatia
Helix pomatia

Helix pomatia

Object NameSpecimen of Blaschka Marine Life
Maker Rudolf Blaschka (1857-1939)
Maker Leopold Blaschka (1822-1895)
Made FromGlass, Paint, Metal Wire, Resin
Place MadeGermany, Dresden
TechniqueFlameworked, painted, applied
SizeOverall (card): L: 22.5 cm, D: 25.8 cm
Accession NumberL.17.3.63-106
Credit LineLent by Cornell University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Not On View
Physical DescriptionSpecimen of Blaschka Marine Life, "Helix pomatia". Glass, paint, metal wire, resin; flameworked, painted, applied. Below specimen is a hand-written caption that reads: "Anatomy / 1. Pharynx, 2. Ganglion, 3. Glandulae salivales, 4. Stomachus, 5. Intestinum, 6. Hepar, 7. Gland. albiovis, 8. Gland. hermaphrodyta, 9. Oviductus, 10. Glandulae pituhtariae, 11. Vas deferens, 12. Gland. sagitto, 13. Penis, 14. Flagellum".
Owner Cornell University
Arion empiricorum
Rudolf Blaschka
Clinopsis Krohnil
Rudolf Blaschka