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cosmetic tube

Object NameDouble Tube
Made FromGlass
Place MadeRoman Empire; Eastern Mediterranean
Techniqueblown, tooled, applied
SizeOverall H: 17.9 cm, W: 6.1 cm
Accession Number55.1.33
Curatorial Area(s)
On ViewAncient Gallery
Physical DescriptionTranslucent yellowish-green glass with small bubbles; blown, tooled and applied. Double cosmetic tube with basket handle; (two tubes side by side, made from single bubble of glass by pinching sides to form diaphragm; each tube has rim folded inward and downward; straight, slightly tapering side, which curves inward at bottom and flat base; single trail wound spirally around tubes approximately fourteen times between rim and point 3 cm. above bottom; four trails applied to body, also 3 cm. above base, and drawn upward to rim in four loops, each of which touches body; trail also applied to top of rim and drawn upward, over and down, and reattached to rim on opposite side.
Source Fouad Alouf - 1955-06-09