Object Name3 Fragments of Painted Vessels
Made FromGlass
Place MadeRoman Empire; possibly Rome; possibly Egypt
TechniqueBlown, enameled
Size(a) L: 2.8 cm; (b) L: 2.7 cm; (c) L: 3 cm
Accession Number74.1.57
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical Description(a) Colorless glass with aquamarine tinge, slightly bubbly; blown with enamel decoration. The fragment preserves rather thick globular vessel possibly the lower section of a cup with a small green bellied bird with brown legs, a red tail, and a blue and brown wing walking to the left amid foliage; (b) deep green glass, bubbly; blown with enamel decoration, fragment preserves lower portion of rather thick vessel and preserves a painted figure wearing a pink spirally striped garment with a white striped tassel facing right, both feet are preserved, painted in yellow and detailed in brownish-black line on a yellow-green groundline; (c) colorless glass with a yellow green tinge, unweathered; blown with enamel decoration. Fragment preserves side of a shallow bowl with painted decoration on exterior surface to be viewed when looking through the vessel, it shows a figure standing on a light brown background, the right leg wearing yellow anklet bracelet rest on the ball of the foot, the left leg supporting the weight of the figure is draped with a green garment highlighted in light blue and yellow.Provenance
Ray Winfield Smith
(American, 1897-1982) - 1974-12-12