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Object NameJug
Made FromGlass
Place MadePalestine
SizeOverall H: 15.6 cm, W: 7.4 cm
Accession Number76.1.6
Credit LineGift of Harry Micas
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionTransparent yellowish brown glass; mold-blown. Hexagonal body; rim folded in; wide mouth pinched into trefoil; flattish shoulder; body blown into hexagonal mold; slightly hollow base; flattened tubular handle; pontil mark. Molded decoration in intaglio on all sides of body; clockwise from below handle, (1) two concentric lozenges with four dots at center, (2) cross fourchee on stepped base, (3) palm tree with two dots at each side of trunk, (4) double lozenge with dot at center, (5) as (2), (6) palmette "growing" out of anchor stock.
Source Harry Micas - 1976-06-14