Object NameGlass Sword
Made FromGlass
Place Madepossibly Mexico; possibly Western Europe
SizeOverall L: 41.2 cm, W: 6.3 cm; Pommel Diam: 5.7 cm
Accession Number75.5.1
Credit LineGift of Mrs. George W. Banschback
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionAquamarine glass, bubbly, dull pitted surface with some brown and white film adhering to recesses; tooled. Dagger with pommel in the shape of a fantastic animal head, globular head with horizontal ribs, spiral fluted in a mold, applied blobs for eyes, wide flat lips, edges ground, probably from pontil mark, short uneven spiral twirled handle ends with a second head, more elongated, less globular, ribs less defined, lips are tooled and pulled out longer to hold long thick, tear-shaped blade which retains many tooling marks.Provenance
Bernice Banschbach
- 1975-01-13
George W. Banschback
- 1975-01-13