Reflecting Antiquity: Modern Glass Inspired by Ancient Rome
Curious and Curiouser: Surprising Finds from the Rakow Library
On ViewThe Jerome and Lucille Strauss Study Gallery
Interpretive Notes
This is number 3 of the “first edition” of Wedgwood’s ceramic copies of the Portland Vase.
Physical DescriptionOpaque white over black, Jasperware (ceramic); thrown; molded, applied, ground, polished. Jar with 2 handles. Rim everted with rounded lip; cylindrical neck curves to shoulder with rounded profile; body tapers to bottom; base flat. Handles start at neck; lower ends attached to overlay at shoulder. Body decorated with frieze from lower handle attachments to lowest surviving part of body, divided by masks of Pan, which hang by horns from lower attachments of handles. Masks have flowing locks, mustaches, beards, eyes, and open mouths. One side: naked man holds drape, moves to right in front of 2 pillars, behind grows small sapling; his left arm entwined with right arm of woman (below). Eros, holding bow and torch, flies to right, glancing back to left, ahead of young man. Woman, sitting on rock with head turned back in profile to left, wears mantle wrapped around her legs; left hand supports snakelike creature that rises toward her face; right arm entwined with left arm of young man (above). Beyond tree, bearded man stands, profile to left, chin on hand, right foot on stones at base of tree; between him and mask below, another tree. Other side: square pillar surmounted by square capital, man sits to left on rocks with head turned back to right, naked, with drape behind him on rocks and across thighs. In center, half-draped woman reclines to left on same rocks, with head turned to right; holds torch in left hand, right arm arched, with hand on head; on ground at feet, square block of worked stone; behind her, a tree. Second half-draped woman sits on separate rock, to right, looking left, holding scepter. Underside of base decorated with upper part of figure of young man, turned to right; head bent forward, in profile; right hand raised, with finger to lips; cap on his head which ends in ribbon hanging across cheek and neck; short-sleeved tunic over long-sleeved garment; cloak billows out behind him, fastened at throat by brooch; foliage above and behind him. Provenance
Former Collection
Dr. Leonard S. Rakow
- 1974-10-22-1992-12-10 acquired atSotheby's, London, October 22, 1974
Former Collection
Richard Barker
Former Collection
Estate of Juliette K. (Mrs. Leonard S.) Rakow
(d. 1992)