Object NameCylindrical Bottle
Made FromGlass
Place Madeprobably Persia
Techniqueblown, facet-cut, linear-cut, slant-cut
SizeOverall H: 22.7 cm, Diam (max): 13.5 cm
Accession Number55.1.127
Curatorial Area(s)
Glass from the Ancient World
Not On View
Physical DescriptionTransparent deep green, appearing opaque deep blue in reflected light. Blown (body probably blown in dip mold); facet-, linear- and slant-cut, and probably filed. Bottle with roughly cylindrical body. Rim everted, with beveled edge; neck cylindrical and wider at bottom than at top; shoulder almost flat, but slightly higher at junction with neck, and with rounded edge; wall bulges at top, then descends almost vertically and curves in at bottom; base plain; pontil mark annular. Neck, shoulder, and wall have wheel-cut and probably filed ornament. On neck: three narrow friezes, separated by single grooves, from top to bottom: (1) eight vertical rectangular facets separated by narrow unworked strips; (2) 10 contiguous rhomboids forming continuous zigzag; above junction of each pair of rhomboids, one inverted V-shaped cut; at midpoint of junctions, one small kiteshaped cut; and below junctions, one V-shaped cut; (3) 11 vertical rectangular facets separated by narrow unworked strips. On shoulder, three concentric grooves near edge and, at junction with wall, continuous band containing five groups of relatively large contiguous horizontal oval facets alternating with five groups of three to five small vertical oval facets. On wall: broad frieze, with single border lines above and below, containing five contiguous lozenges with triple borders, with short horizontal cut at junction of each pair of lozenges; each lozenge is divided into four smaller lozenges with double inner borders; at center of each large lozenge, one cross-hatched oval motif and within each smaller lozenge one slant-cut scroll and one pair of short horizontal cuts; each triangular spaces above junctions of large lozenges contains oval motif flanked by scrolls; each triangular space below these junctions contains scroll flanked by group of two short straight cuts and one longer arc-shaped cut.Provenance
Ray Winfield Smith
(American, 1897-1982) - 1955-12-13