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Image Not Available for necklace


Object NameNecklace
Maker Henny Wallstab (German, b. 1921)
Maker Kurt Wallstab (German, 1920-2002)
Made Fromnon-lead glass
Place MadeWest Germany
Techniquebeads: blown flamework
SizeL(strand): 66.4 cm, D(largest bead): 1 cm
Accession Number88.3.3
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionColorless, black, iridescence non-lead glasses; Wallstab beads: blown flamework (ovoid and long straight); metal oxides, salts and gold used for coloration. Necklace of alternating single and groups of beads (metal finish solid glass beads, rose quartz, seed pearls and flameworked); Wallstab flameworked beads are in two sizes--ten small straight tubes, five large blown ovoids, colorless glass has thin black oxide spiral wrap, "mother of pearl" iridization.
Source Christiane Waldrich - 1988-02-05