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sprinkler flask

Object NameRosewater Sprinkler (Almorratxa)
Made FromGlass
Place MadeSpain, Catalonia
TechniqueBlown, vetro a fili, applied
SizeOverall H (max): 24.7 cm, Diam (foot): 12.6 cm.
Accession Number53.3.41
Curatorial Area(s)
Beyond Venice: Glass in Venetian Style, 1500-1750
On ViewChanging Exhibition Gallery
Interpretive Notes
In a very original way of its own, this bottle continues a Muslim tradition of vessels for spraying scented rose water. The bottle was filled through its central opening, which was then corked, while the four upright spouts served as sprinklers.
Physical DescriptionRosewater Sprinkler (Almorratxa). Colorless glass with greyish tinge, bubbles and seeds; opaque white lattimo glass; blown, vetro a fili, applied. Funnel-shaped body, lower end constricted to form a hollow knop as base; rounded shoulder and narrow, waisted neck; rim perhaps trimmed with shears, and fire-polished. Tall, baluster-shaped pedestal foot, plain and undecorated, with outfolded edge and large, rough pontil mark. Body is decorated with spiral vetro a fili; on the widening of its base, applied and cast-off vermicular collar; on funnel portion, eight applied, thin brackets, C-shaped alternating with M-shaped (i.e., applied to body on both ends and in the middle); on shoulder, four spouts pulled up vertically, alternating with applied and pincered crests. Constrictions of filigrana-decorated body with intensive red residue from tooling.
Source Cecil Davis - 1953
Former Collection Mrs. Applethwaite-Abbot
about 1700
about 1600-1799