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scientific instrument
scientific instrument

scientific instrument

Object NameGeissler Tube
Made FromGlass, Uranium Glass, Metal
Dateabout 1890-1910
Place Madepossibly Germany; possibly France
SizeOverall H: 9.4 cm, W: 2.1 cm, D: 1.6 cm
Accession Number2014.8.17
Not On View
Physical DescriptionGeissler Tube. Colorless glass, transparent yellow uranium glass, metal; lampworked. Glass tube with two ovoid ends, each containing a metal rod. One end has small pulled glass attachment; other end is capped with metal electrode. Tube between ends manipulated into figure-eight shape with bulbous shape at midpoint. Half of tube between ends covered in transparent yellow glass.
Source Chayette & Cheval - 2014-03-13
Corning Glass Works, Corning
scientific instrument
about 1890-1910
scientific instrument
about 1890-1910
scientific instrument
about 1890-1910
scientific instrument
about 1890-1910