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Image Not Available for ewer


Object NameEwer with Lid
Made FromGlass
Place Madeprobably Syria
Techniqueblown, applied, acid-etched
SizeOverall H: 38.1 cm, Diam (max): 15.6 cm
Accession Number60.1.5
Not On View
Physical Description(a) Ewer with roughly globular body. Rim plain, with rounded lip; neck tall and narrow, tapering at top and then splaying slightly; wall curves out, down, and in; base has splayed footring with folded, tubular edge and kick, which has corresponding dome in floor; pontil mark circular (D. 3.6 cm). Handle with rod-shaped cross section dropped onto neck at about mid-point, drawn out, down, and in, and attached to upper wall. Spout, somewhat crooked, with S-shaped profile, applied to wall opposite handle at mid-point. Decorated from top to bottom, including handle and spout, with vegetal and epigraphic decoration created by acid-etching background. Neck, wall, and foot ring have six continuous horizontal bands of ornament (from top to bottom): (1) contains eight transverse panels filled with vegetal scrolls; (2) has Naskhi inscription; (3) consists of six transverse panels filled alternately with arabesques and Naskhi inscriptions; (4) has Naskhi inscription; (5) has 16 adjoining, roughly triangular panels with apexes pointing alternately up and down; those pointing up contain Naskhi inscriptions, while those pointing down contain arabesques; contains Naskhi inscription. Some bands are separated by continuous narrow strips of slanting S-shaped motifs or vegetal scrolls: S-shaped motifs occur above and below band 1 and above band 6; vegetal scrolls occur below bands 3, 4, and 5. Handle is decorated with vegetal scrolls and spout has arabesques and Naskhi inscription. (b) Lid: Hollow and conical. Knop is roughly globular and hollow, with pontil mark on top; wall slopes, then splays to merge with hollow flange, below which rim descends vertically to rounded edge. Three bands of acid-etched decoration cover knop and wall (from top to bottom): (1) slanting S-shaped motifs, (2) vegetal scroll, and (3) Naskhi inscription.
Source Cecil Davis - 1960
hanging lamp
probably 1850-1900
hanging lamp
possibly about 1887; perhaps 1312-1326
about 1100-1199