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Object NameCage Cup
Made FromGlass, Copper Alloy
Dateprobably 300–399
Place MadeRoman Empire
Techniquecast or blown, wheel-cut
SizeOverall Diam (max): 12.2 cm; Cup H: 7.4 cm; Metal Collar H: 0.5, Diam: 11 cm, Th: 0.1 cm; Hook and Loop: 17 cm; Looped Elements: 18.8 cm
Accession Number87.1.1
Credit LinePurchased with funds from the Arthur Rubloff Residuary Trust
Curatorial Area(s)
Glass of the Caesars
Reflecting Antiquity: Modern Glass Inspired by Ancient Rome
On ViewAncient Gallery
Interpretive Notes
Cage cups are among the rarest examples of Roman luxury glass. They were made by creating a thick blank, which was then carefully undercut into a network of interconnected ovals. The metal “collar” on this example shows that it was suspended, either from the existing hanger or from a very similar one. Presumably, the cup served as a hanging lamp, and one can imagine the patterned shadows cast by the cut ovals on the underside of the bowl.
Physical DescriptionColorless glass; cast or blown, wheel-cut, with copper alloy attachments. Hemispherical body; outsplayed rim with ground lip and raised molding at its neck. Decorated with openwork band at base of neck and openwork cage enclosing body; band consists of ovolo frieze with fifty-nine egg-shaped perforations separated by darts; cage consists of central mesh surrounded by two rings of meshes and concentric border; central mesh, evidently circular, was attached to body by seven bridges; inner ring has seven heart-shaped meshes, outer ring has fourteen oval meshes; in both rings, small cruciform element at junction of each pair of meshes conceals bridge; serrated bar at upper end of each heart-shaped mesh also conceals bridge, as does V-shaped element at upper extremity of each oval mesh, where it meets border; around border, between each pair of meshes, one additional bridge; collar, presumably, copper alloy. Single strip with one end terminating in perforated tongue, the other terminating in two perforated tongues, one above the other; tongues fastened with pin with diamond-shaped head, bent in position; at regular intervals around collar, three horizontal flanges, L: 1.1 cm, W: 0.8 cm, Th.: 0.1 cm, each with circular perforation; lamp-hanger, presumably copper alloy. Composite object comprising hook-and-loop and three looped elements; hook-and-loop has upper end bent into hook, long shank, D: 0.2 cm, and lower end looped and wound six times around shank; each looped element has straight rod, D: 0.2 cm, flattened and perforated at ends, six twisted figure-of-eight links, and hook-and-loop.
Source Gawain McKinley (British, 1945-1996) - 1987-06-18