Object NameFragment of Beaker with Horses and Riders
Made FromGlass
Place MadeNear East
Techniqueblown, relief-cut
SizeOverall H: 10.5 cm; Base Diam: 5.5 cm
Accession Number59.1.475
Curatorial Area(s)
Glass from the Ancient World
Not On View
Physical DescriptionAlmost colorless, but with yellow tint. Blown; relief-cut. Fragment of beaker, probably shaped like truncated cone. Middle and lower parts of wall (Th. 0.1 cm) taper, with slightly concave profile; base plain; no pontil mark. Decoration is relief-cut (th. 0.05 cm) and consists of continuous frieze extending from horizontal rib at top of fragment to bottom of wall: two riders on horseback move from right to left. Each rider has head and torso facing viewer; first rider wears cap with long liripipe or tippet; he has diamond-shaped countersunk eyes, his clothing has hatched and cross hatched patterns, and his shoes or boots have pointed toes; second rider has similarly patterned clothing and shoes. Each horses has one front leg raised; central part of body is countersunk, and tail is raised. Some outlines of riders and horses are notched.Provenance
Ray Winfield Smith
(American, 1897-1982) - 1959-07-27