Object NameMedal for American Flint Glass Workers Union
Whitehead & Hoag Company
Made FromMetal, Enamel
Place MadeUnited States, NJ, Newark
Techniquecast, enameled
SizeOverall H: 0.9 cm, W: 9.9 cm, D: 5.7 cm
Accession Number2010.7.20
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionMetal; cast, enameled, assembled. Three-part medal assembled with chain. Bottom portion of medal consists of circular medallion showing two hands shaking overtop four pieces of glass; outside edge enameled white and reads, "ORGANIZED July 1ST 1878 / A.F.G.W.U. OF NORTH AMERICA" with American Flag shield. Center portion of medal is rectangular and reads, "MEMBER". Top portion of medal reads, "A.F.G.W.U." in scroll; wire pin soldered to back.Provenance
Ian Simmonds
- 2010-11-08
about 1710-1712