Object NameReliquary
Made FromGlass
Dateprobably 1600-1699; possibly 1800-1899
Place MadeBelgium; Holland; perhaps Spain
SizeH (overall): 28 cm, H. (goblet) 21.5 cm, D. (max) 12.6 cm, D. (foot) 9.5 cm.
Accession Number64.3.100
Curatorial Area(s)
On ViewThe Jerome and Lucille Strauss Study Gallery
Physical DescriptionColorless glass with brown tinge, interspersed throughout with very many bubbles and seeds, and aqua-blue glass; blown, applied. Ovoid body with collar neck and furnace-opened rim; joined by merese to hollow-blown stem composed of two facing balusters, the upper shorter (pear-shaped) than the lower one; joined by second merese to barely rising blown foot with infolded edge and rough pontil mark. Two aqua-blue horizontal threads applied round neck, joined by pair of ear-shaped handles scrolled at top and bottom. Domed flanged cover surmounted by finial consisting of blue rod with clear raspberry-prunt on top, joined to cover by a merese and an uneven, doughnut-shaped bit. Rough pontil mark in centre of cover. Surface of bowl is somewhat uneven because of the bubbles. The glass shows no inclusions, such as refractory stones, but there are scattered milky drops that look crackled under magnification and are up to 3 mm wide.Provenance
Heidi Vollmoeller