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Object Name279 Mosaic and Millefiori Fragments
Made FromGlass
Date25 BCE-99 CE
Size(a) W: 6.5 cm, D: 3.9 cm, Th: 0.5 cm; (b) W: 5 cm, D: 4.6 cm, Th: 0.9 cm; (c) W: 5.4 cm, D: 2 cm, Th: 0.8 cm; (d) W: 4.8 cm, D: 3.5 cm, Th: 0.8 cm; (e) W: 6.3 cm, D: 2.7 cm, Th: 0.8 cm; (f) W: 2.8 cm, D: 4 cm, Th. 0.3 cm
Accession Number59.1.570
Curatorial Area(s)
Place Made
Roman Empire; possibly Egypt; possibly Italy
Physical Description(a) Translucent yellow-green canes cased with opaque yellow float in a matrix of green glass with a yellow tinge, dull, pitted, heavily weathered on edges and back. Fragment preserves parallel sides of a long rectangular strip possibly cut at an angle on one edge, canes have distorted in melting and have leaned to one side revealing a portion of each length; tooled on back. (b) Translucent circular canes cased with opaque yellow float in a deep green matrix, polished upper surface, heavy iridescent film on edges and back. Fragment preserves thick section of tightly compacted canes at least one central element with two rows of concentric canes appear to be the common larger motif in the design. (c) Irregular chips of opaque medium green float in a random pattern in a matrix of translucent deep green with a bluish tinge, heavy iridescent weathering film on edges and back, surface repolished recently. Roughly long triangular fragment of a thick panel. Contains metallic inclusions. (d) Roughly circular canes of opaque white now weathered black float in a random pattern in a opaque red matrix, heavily weathered on all sides.
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25 BCE-99 CE
25 BCE-99 CE
25 BCE-99 CE
25 BCE-99 CE
25 BCE-99 CE
25 BCE-99 CE