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cosmetic tube
cosmetic tube

cosmetic tube

Object NameKohl Tube
Made FromGlass
Date499-300 BCE
Place MadeNorthwestern Iran
Techniquecore-formed, tooled, marvered
SizeOverall H: 9.2 cm, W: 1.5 cm
Accession Number75.1.3
Curatorial Area(s)
On ViewAncient Gallery
Interpretive Notes
Kohl is a cosmetic material used to darken the eyelids.
Physical DescriptionOpaque "black" and aquamarine glass, aquamarine is extremely bubbly, consists of colorless glass with streaks and clouds of aquamarine coloring unevenly distributed, some pitting otherwise unweathered; core-formed with trail decoration. Thickened rim, tooled to form sixteen vertical ribs, constricts slightly before spreading out into long rectangular body, square in cross-section; at each corner of the shoulder a small elongated trail of black glass is applied, the entire area is somewhat deformed from either heating or tooling; an uneven trail of aquamarine glass is wound around body seventeen times and well marvered in before marvering the entire vessel into square cross-section; base is marvered and flattened.
Source Faradj Anavian - 1975-02-19
Gianni Toso
25 BCE-99 CE
500-400 BCE
Émile Gallé
about 1895-1900