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Object NameHumpen
Made FromGlass
Techniquefree-blown, enameled, gilded
SizeH: 21.1 cm; D (rim): 10.2 cm, (base): 11.6 cm
Accession Number60.3.82
Credit LineGift of Edwin J. Beinecke
Curatorial Area(s)
Place Made
Physical DescriptionClear glass with many minute bubbles and a purple tinge; free- blown, enameled and gilded. Slightly convex barrel-shaped body with high pushed up base having rough pontil mark, double walled foot ring made of same gather as Humpen; on the object a very elaborate variation of the Ochsenkopf type decoration; on the obverse the Ochsenkopf with a chimney on top out of which come flames, around the upper part a chain with large lock; four rivers flow out of the mountain; on the reverse the Saviour in white and red and with diamond-shaped halo, blessing with His right hand and standing on a blue orb with sun and moon; on the left a nude allegorical figure with a loin cloth, a crown, and a large lock closing his mouth, molding in both hands two trees one with seven suns, the other seven moons; this figure stands on two knolls which again contain a sun and a moon; in the free spaces gilded diamond-stars with red, white and blue bead; an elaborate inscription on the upper body reads: "Der Fichtelberg die Edle Erdt/Ist billig aller Ehren werth/ weiln drin viel mehr zutreffen an/ alss einfaldt Jem alsz glauben kan/ doch Schlussel hier zu Such Ja bey Zeitt,/ weiln Sein Schatz an einer ketten leidt,/ und darausz vier schiffreiche wasser Rauschen,/ welch in 4 endt der weldt tuhn lauffen, /der main, die Eger, naab und Sall,/ die 4 wasser ein wordt und 4/ buchstaben haben."; over the nude "king": "Aber in diesen ligt dasz hochste gutt/die dir disz bildt hier Zeigen thutt kanstu diese bede berg ergrundten/ und Kunstlich wider Zusam menbindn/ durth Zwey mal Siebn son und mon/ hundtert Fichtelberg werdtensz nit gleichthon,/ darumb Jungling schweig haldt rein mundt,/ dass disz thun nit werth all zu kundt 1664."; above Christ: For complete description see Notepad: Current Full Description 1961-08-01
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