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Image Not Available for "Shattered Dreams" series, possibly
"Shattered Dreams" series, possibly
Image Not Available for "Shattered Dreams" series, possibly

"Shattered Dreams" series, possibly

Object NameSkull Ornament with Box
Maker James Korpai
Made Fromnon-lead auto glass
Dateabout 1994
Place MadeUnited States
Techniqueshattered glass, assembled
SizeH(incl. loop): 11.3 cm, (head only): 7.3 cm, W: 6.2 cm, D: 6.2 cm; (box) H: 8.4 cm, W: 8.5 cm, D: 9 cm
Accession Number94.4.156
Credit LineGift of James Korpai
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionColorless glass (with natural green tint), red and white felt, gold, metallic silver (appearing), (a) automobile windshield glass, adhesive, felt, plastic, (b) wood, metal; shattered glass, assembled. (a) Small hollow model of human skull formed of assembled and glued pieces of broken recycled glass, open spaces left in eye, nose, and mouth areas; attached to top of head is pointed cap of red felt with broad white head band, point is bent (to front right) and glued to one side, tipped with white fabric pom palm; on opposite side a plastic sprig of hollow with two green leaves and three red berries is placed at top edge of white band; narrow gold plastic loop extends from hole in top of hat; (b) crudely fashioned wooden storage box in shape of a cube formed of glued pieces of thin light brown wood, metal hinged top, closure consists to a screw on the lid towards forward edge and a screw on front side that can be connected by a short length of fire; drawn in black ink below screw on front side is a stylized arrow pointing up above block letters: "THIS SIDE UP"; crumpled white tissue padding inside box; on white paper label attached to felt hat, printed in blue ink: "J.KORPAI ©".

Source James Korpai