Object NameFragment of Bowl (?)
Made FromGlass, Stain
TechniqueBlown, stained
SizeOverall Dim (max): 4 cm
Accession Number68.1.58-340
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionFragment of Bowl (?). Almost colorless, with bluish tinge; decorated in brown shading to yellowish brown and deep brown. Blown; stained. Fragment of bowl(?). Wall (Th. 0.15-0.2 cm) has convex profile in all directions. Decorated on both sides. On outside: two intersecting stripes of brown shading to yellowish brown, possibly forming two isosceles triangles above and below, and two lozenges to left and right; each compartment contains one yellowish brown spot. On inside: scatter of round and oval deep brown spots with light bluish "halos."Provenance
Ray Winfield Smith
(American, 1897-1982) - 1968