Object NamePitcher
Made FromGlass
Place MadeRoman Empire; probably Eastern Mediterranean
Techniquemold-blown, applied, tooled
SizeOverall H: 15.3 cm, W: 8.2 cm; Rim Diam: 4.7 cm
Accession Number59.1.152
Curatorial Area(s)
Ennion and His Legacy: Mold-Blown Glass From Ancient Rome
Fire and Vine: The Story of Glass and Wine
Glass from the Ancient World
On ViewAncient Gallery
Physical DescriptionTransparent light amethyst glass; mold-blown; handle and base applied and tooled. Jug with straight tapering side; everted rim with curved upturned lip; tapering neck; rounded shoulder; straight side tapering towards rounded bottom; applied foot consisting of thread coiled three times around center, then flattened; applied handle attached to neck by going around it once in the form of a heavy thread, and to shoulder, the upper surface pinched three times. Body blown into two-piece mold; decoration consists of continuous frieze divided vertically into two "panels" by mold marks, and framed by two horizontal ribs on shoulder and one horizontal rib near base. Each "panel" has three figures; from left to right, beginning below handle: (1) female in long dress moving to left but looking back to right, scarf above head, unidentified object in right hand; (2,3) couple, apparently embracing, with female on left and male, brandishing thyrsus, on right; on male's right, at edge of panel, tree-like motif and rounded object, possibly wine-skin; (4) male, perhaps satyr, with right arm lifted and thyrsus in left hand; (5) figure of indeterminable sex with arms raised, resting on staff held in left hand; (6) female facing left with cup raised in right and staff in left.Provenance
Ray Winfield Smith
(American, 1897-1982) - 1959-07-27
99 BCE-99 CE
about 1824