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tea bowl

Object NameTea Bowl
Maker Imperial Workshops (China)
Made FromNon-Lead (?) Glass
Place MadeChina, Beijing
TechniqueBlown, cased, cameo-carved
SizeOverall H: 5.4 cm, Diam (max): 10.5 cm
Accession Number79.6.27
Credit LineBequest of Jerome Strauss
Curatorial Area(s)
Carder and Revivalism
East Meets West: Cross-Cultural Influences in Glassmaking in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Glass Drinking Vessels from the Strauss Collection
Clear as Crystal, Red as Flame: Later Chinese Glass
Not On View
Interpretive Notes
Physical DescriptionTea Bowl (白套綠色壽字紋玻璃碗). Opaque white and blue-green non-lead (?) glasses; blown, cased, and cameo-carved. Hemispherical shape, with flared rim; blue-green overlay on opaque white; zig-zag border; carved band on the side, with floral designs in lotus petal alternating with four “? Shou” Longevity symbols; carved petals at the base; carved disk foot with incised reign mark of “乾隆年制 Qianlong Nianzhi” four-character mark within square, double-lined border in the center.; inscribed "S1838" in dark green paint.
Source Jerome Strauss (1893-1978) - 1979
Former Collection Nagatani, Inc.
Bought from: Nagatani, Chicago
snuff bottle
snuff bottle
snuff bottle
Peking Imperial Workshop
Louis Comfort Tiffany
about 1900-1903