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snuff bottle
snuff bottle

snuff bottle

Object NameSnuff Bottle and Stopper
Made FromGlass, Ivory, Stone, Cork
Place MadeChina
Techniqueblown, cased, carved
SizeOverall H: 7.8 cm, W: 6.4 cm
Accession Number82.6.21
Credit LineBequest of Marian Swayze Mayer
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Interpretive Notes
Physical DescriptionSnuff Bottle and Stopper. Opaque white, pink, and translucent green glass, ivory, pink stone, cork; blown, cased, carved. (a) Flattened, ovoid, circular form; green overlay on pink on white; flat rim with small hole at the center for a stopper; carved pink pointed stylized banana leaves below the rim; the sides decorated with carved pink and green leaves and flowers, with flying and standing birds; carved wave-pattern ground; carved oval base with recessed center; paper label inscribed "282" on the bottom. (b) Domed, cylindrical pink stone (quartz) cap; cork stopper; long, slender ivory spoon with oval spatulate bowl.
Source Marian Swayze Mayer (d. 1982) - 1981-12-22
snuff bottle
about 1780-1880
snuff bottle
snuff bottle
Peking Imperial Workshop
snuff bottle
snuff bottle
about 1750-1850