Object NameVase with metal base
Wiener Werkstätte
Made FromGlass, yellow metal
Place MadeAustria
Techniqueblown; wheel-cut, ground and polished
SizeH: 23.8 cm, D(glass rim): 15.6 cm, (metal base): 13.6 cm
Accession Number83.3.217
Curatorial Area(s)
Not On View
Physical DescriptionTransparent amber glass; glass probably blown; wheel-cut, ground and polished; metal lathe-turned, plated, beaten, chased, and soldered. Vase mounted on metal base. Vase: thistle-shaped with thick wall cut in twelve vertical panels. Rim elaborately cut; wall tapers before curving inward and downward and then, near bottom, splays outward; base apparently flat. Wheel-cut decoration on rim and wall: top of rim cut with pairs of projections above fan-shaped cutting on outside, one fan being above junction of each vertical panel; separating each pair of fans, stepped cutting between top of rim and top of panel; each panel extends down to just above point at which wall splays; below this, bottom of wall also has twelve panels, each corresponding, either exactly or roughly, with panel above. Base: biconical, made in two parts. Upper part consists of cup-shaped element which grasps bottom of vase. Rim scalloped, each cusp corresponding with junction of two panels of vase; wall bulges and then tapers to junction with lower part; it is decorated with raised ribs corresponding to cusps on rim. Lower part consists of collar, hollow stem which splays and merges with conical foot that has step above foot-rim; collar decorated with vertical grooves, every third one of which corresponds with rib in upper part and continues down toward step, above which it merges with tear-shaped boss; lower part of foot also has raised decoration; edge of foot scalloped. Stamped marks on edge of foot: illegible hallmark, "800", illegible hallmark, "300".Provenance
Dwight P. Lanmon
(American, b. 1938) - 1983-12-08
about 1340-1365