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Object NameBottle
Made FromGlass
Place Madepossibly Iran
TechniqueBlown, applied
SizeOverall H: 21.2 cm, Diam (max): 9.8 cm
Accession Number55.1.108
Curatorial Area(s)
Glass from the Ancient World
Not On View
Physical DescriptionAlmost colorless glass but with greenish yellow tinge, very bubbly and with some stones, translucent purple and opaque turquoise blue glass; blown, applied. Bottle: globular. Rim everted, with rounded lip; neck tall and slender, wider at bottom than at top, and with hollow bulge at top; wall curves out, down, and in; base has tubular foot ring made by folding, and conical kick; pontil mark roughly circular (D. about 1.2 cm). Applied decoration on rim, neck, and upper wall. On rim, turquoise lip wrap. On neck: (1) 4.4-5 cm below rim, two purple horizontal trails supporting turquoise continuous zigzag; (2) 6.4-8.4 cm below rim, two colorless opposed vertical loop handles, each supporting colorless ring (D. about 1.3 cm); handles have lower attachments on top of narrow turquoise trail wound twice around neck; (3) near bottom of neck, continuous purple trail tooled to form rigaree pattern. On wall: continuous horizontal zigzag composed of two purple sections alternating with two turquoise sections.
Source Ray Winfield Smith (American, 1897-1982) - 1955-09-09
bowl and flange made about 1100-1199; stem and foot uncertain date made; presumably assembled 1900-1979
body and flange made about 900-1199; assembled 1900-1979
about 1200-1299
about 1200-1299
1100-1399; 1900-1979