Object NameCovered Pokal
Made FromGlass
Place MadeGermany
Techniquefree-blown, cut, engraved and gilded
Size(a&b) H: 27.3 cm; (a) H: 16.8 cm; Rim Diam: 9.9 cm, Foot Diam:: 11.0 cm (b) H: 10.9 cm, Rim Diam: 1.4 cm, Foor Diam: 8.5 cm
Accession Number56.3.83
Curatorial Area(s)
On ViewThe Jerome and Lucille Strauss Study Gallery
Physical DescriptionClear heavy glass; surface heavily crizzled; free-blown, cut, engraved and gilded. (a) High spreading foot with rough pontil mark, very short solid cylindrical stem, thistle bowl; (b) set- in slightly domed cover with stemmed pear-shaped finial containing tear, cut and engraved decoration: rosette of large scales with central vertical ovals and the coat-of-arms of Baireuth on the foot, frieze of vertical scales in high relief with central ovals around lower bowl, on the bowl the busts of the margrave Frederick and Margravine Wilhelmina of Baireuth in a medallion, surmounted by a royal crown and flanked by flags, drums and arms, on the reverse a similar configuration with an inscription filling the medallion: "Es lebe der Marggraf und die Marggraefin von Bayreuth"; row of disks and a ring below rim, repeated again around edge of cover, scale-and-oval motif repeated on upper cover and finial, top of finial cut into eight panels; gilded decorations: coat-of-arms, cartouches on bowl, scale-and-oval rosettes, three concentric rings on foot and cover, rim of bowl, top of finial.Provenance
Kunsthaus Lempertz, Cologne
- 1956